It is the time of the MWC Edition 2022. EOS thanks to Barcelona Activa and the City Council of Barcelona has been able to participate within the framework of the Startups 4Y4N event.
We want to thank all those who have visited our stand and have been interested in our iot urban mobility solutions.
Throughout the week we have been able to present and make known our vision of the urban sharing and the IOT solutions we offer.
Es tiempo del MWC edición 2022. EOS gracias a Barcelona Activa y el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona ha podido participar dentro del marco del evento de startups 4Y4N.
Queremos dar las gracias a todos los que han visitado nuestro stand y se han interesado por nuestras soluciones iot urban mobility.
A lo largo de la semana hemos podido presentar y hacer conocer nuestra visión del sharing urbano y las soluciones informaticas que ofrecemos.